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Pack Livres Scolaires – Classe – CLASS 1


Type d’article: Pack livres

Classe: CLASS 1

Nombre de Matières: 8

Matières: Handwriting, Sound and Word building, English, French, Mathematics, Science and technology, Social studies, ICT

Livres: Handwriting Workbook, Sound and Word Building-Classes 1 and 2, Winners in English, Workbook of English, Parlons Français. Livre de l’élève 1, Workbook of French, Innovative Mathematics, Workbook of Mathematics, Standard Science and Technology, The Good Citizen. Pupil’s Book Classes 1 and 2, Winners in ICT, Classes 1 and 2

15 900 CFA

Pack Livres Scolaires – Classe – CLASS 1

Ce Pack Livres Scolaires pour la classe de CLASS 1 est constitué de 8 livres au programme pour l’année scolaire 2024/2025.

Les matières sont: 

HANDWRITING: Handwriting Workbook, Class 1 – ATEMEC

SOUND AND WORD BUILDING: Sound and Word Building-Classes 1 and 2 – ATEMEC

ENGLISH: – Winners in English, Class 1 – NMI Education

– Workbook of English, Class 1 – NMI Education

FRENCH: – Parlons Français. Livre de l’élève 1 – COSMOS

– Workbook of French, Class 1 – COSMOS

MATHEMATICS: – Innovative Mathematics, Class 1 – DESTINY Prints

– Workbook of Mathematics, Class 1 – DESTINY Prints

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Standard Science and Technology – BECHACAM

SOCIAL STUDIES: The Good Citizen. Pupil’s Book Classes 1 and 2 – COSMOS

ICT: Winners in ICT, Classes 1 and 2 – NMI

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